Monday, April 5, 2010

Real data on teacher salaries

People have been talking to me a great deal about school funding. Go figure. The other morning a very progressive liberal neighbor and I were shouting at each other back and forth across the street.

She said I was asking for too much money. She said it wasn't clear whether I was asking for a 33% or a $.33 on $100. I explained to her that I was limited to 250 words for the N & O article. She said I was going about it all wrong. She wants data. Well, here's some data from everyones favorite anti-tax group, The John Locke Foundation.

This paper ranks states by teacher salary when those salaries are adjusted for factors such as pension contribution, length of service, and cost of living.

Seems like a good idea, because we all know it doesn't cost nearly as much to live in Durham as it does in South Orange, New Jersey or Marin County, CA.

When teacher salaries are examined in this light, NC ranks 14. Not bad. But wait a minute. Take a look at the top five on this list: GA, IL, KY, AL, AK.

WOW! Those are five states that definitely take education seriously. Look at that list again. Yikes! Are these the states we want to be comparing ourselves to?

In case you're interested, here's the link to the actual report.

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